
Menampilkan postingan dari Juli, 2020

Review CN - 235 - 220 Pride of Product Indonesia

Indonesia can step in line with other countries that have plane industry. One of the products is passenger plane CN 235 (airliner). This Turboprop plane has two machines and designed by IPTN and CASA Spain. Now, many countries buy this plane because it is excellent. Therefore, this plane becomes a pride product of Indonesia.  Now, all of the people are curious about this plane. Even this plane reached the top of selling in the plane industry. So, Indonesia can be famous because of this plane. This plane into the big 10 of the top-selling and the most favourite plane all of the world. Therefore, some review about this plane will give information to all of the readers.  Design this plane, Indonesian has a PT DI (IPTN) as the central plane industry. Therefore, Indonesia is more famous in the world. So, many countries begin to use plane products in Indonesia. Thus, Indonesia must be proud of it. Especially for DI's masterpiece. A company is established by BJ. Habibie and one proof...

Dibalik Nama Dinar

Sejak sakit kegiatanku hanya menulis.  Aku tidak memiliki Keleluasaan untuk bergerak. Tanganku yang normal cuman sebelah... Untungnya tanganku yang kanan masih bisa kugunakan untuk menulis. Aku bisa berkarya dibalik kekurangan pada tubuh ini. Menangis! Ya,  ingin ku teriak dan menangis atas takdir ini. Terlebih, satu per satu orang-orang yang dulu sering mendukungku malah pergi meninggalkanku sejak keterpurukan ini.  Oia, itu selintas tentang kondisiku... Sebetulnya maksud yang ingin disampaikan dalam blog ini bukan itu, melainkan kenapa semuanya bernama Dinar? Ya, aku pun tidak menyadari semua nama dunia maya ku gunakan nama Dinar. Seperti halnya blog ini, toko onlineku, atau nama emailku xixixi... Jadi apa? Sebentar.... Sabar... Biar pembaca penasaran, trus baca sampai selesai .. Xixixi...  Jadi nih, nama Dinar itu adalah mata uang arab yang terbuat dari emas ( yakali... Semua orang udah tahu itu). Aku berharap blog dan online shop aku bisa menghasilkan uang yang b...

Candy Land Coloring Pages To Make Their Little World Is Full of Color

Many kids like colour drawing. Especially since they are in kindergarten. Every little girl likes Candyland Coloring Pages. Almost all of them like Candyland Coloring, because it's colourful, which has a lot of bright colours. Bright colours can make a happy energy. That's why they choose it.  Now you can give them a Candyland Coloring with modern ways. You should forget to give them the usual drawing colour book. It seems rushed. The children need colour pencils and drawings books. It is a rush for kids, sometimes they lose their pencil colours. Incomplete colours pencils because they lose them, will make a picture not attractive. So, nowadays there is a worksheet with colouring pages. You should try one of the modern methods to teach your daughter. Cause they don't need a lot of colour pencils anymore  What's The Best Function of a Worksheet?   These worksheets are special for kids who like the colouring of Candyland. The creator of the worksheet understands the world...
21. children's homework sheets Children's homework Sheets For Learning Fun In the era of COVID 19, all of the children should stay and learn at home. Therefore, they need children's homework sheets. Learning at home definitely boring for children. So, as good parents, you should give them a different learning method.  Sometimes, teach them will make you lose your idea. Therefore you need more idea. You need more matteri subject and new learning method for your children, which it isn't boring yet. Therefore, you need a worksheet to support their learning some lesson at home.  So, forget about the old ways method with notebooks and pencils. You can use a worksheet to support their learning. It is more comfortable and practices to study at home.  You will find more material subjects with a worksheet. So, you can give more lessons to your children.  What's The Worksheet?   Yup! You need a worksheet to support the management of their homework. So, you definitely aski...
21. children's homework sheets Children's homework Sheets For Learning Fun In the era of COVID 19, all of the children should stay and learn at home. Therefore, they need children's homework sheets. Learning at home definitely boring for children. So, as good parents, you should give them a different learning method.  Sometimes, teach them will make you lose your idea. Therefore you need more idea. You need more matteri subject and new learning method for your children, which it isn't boring yet. Therefore, you need a worksheet to support their learning some lesson at home.  So, forget about the old ways method with notebooks and pencils. You can use a worksheet to support their learning. It is more comfortable and practices to study at home.  You will find more material subjects with a worksheet. So, you can give more lessons to your children.  What's The Worksheet?   Yup! You need a worksheet to support the management of their homework. So, you definitely aski...